10 tips for a balanced diet

10 tips for a balanced diet
10 tips for a balanced diet
10 tips for a balanced diet

To be fit and stay healthy, it is essential to have a healthy, varied and balanced diet. This balance must be built daily in order to avoid deficiencies and excesses. Here are 10 nutrition tips for a healthy diet.

·       Tip  1: Do not exceed your calorie needs
Our diet is often too rich for our needs, which depend on daytime physical activity, sex, and age. As a general rule, to respect the quantitative food balance, a meal is sufficient in quantity when the feeling of satiety is reached.

·       Tip 2: Eat 3 to 4 times a day
To arrive at a complementary food balance between meals, breakfast should ideally count for 20 to 25% of daily energy intake, lunch 40 to 45%, and dinner 25 to 30%. If you have a snack, the energy intake of the dinner should be reduced to 15-20%.
Skip a meal is never recommended, especially breakfast. This leads to a larger meal at noon.

·       Tip 3: Balance your plate
It must consist of one third of vegetables, one third of cereal products and starchy foods (potatoes, pasta, rice, wheat, semolina, corn, pulses ...) and a third of vegetable or animal proteins (meat, egg, fish, tofu ...).
Care must be taken that the amount of accompaniment is greater than that of the animal product.

·       Tip  4: Eat Varied
All foods are necessary for our health. Eating a bit of everything while varying the pleasures is the key to a balanced diet: alternate meat and fish, fresh products and frozen dishes (homemade if possible).

·       Tip  5: Authorize a snack
A small snack is not forbidden, provided that it does not turn into a meal! A fruit or a dairy is enough to quell hunger and will not disturb your balanced diet.

·       Tip 6: Cooking House
Avoid processed products as much as possible in your diet. They are low in nutrients, high in fat, salt, sugars and additives.

·       Tip  7: Prefer healthy cooking
Opting for steaming is preserving the vitamins of vegetables. Care must be taken not to add too much fat to cook meat and fish in the pan.

·       Tip 8: Limit salt
Salt intake should be less than 5 grams per day (equivalent to one teaspoon of salt per day); 2 g for children.

·       Tip  9: Respect the meal time
For a better digestion, ask yourself at least 20 minutes each meal and take the time to chew well.

·       Tip 10: Drink enough
It is essential to drink 1.5 liters of water a day or more in case of hot weather, more intense physical activity or illness. It can be consumed in many ways: hot drinks, juice, broth ... Sodas, too high in sugar, must be consumed in moderation.

10 tips for a balanced diet 10 tips for a balanced diet Reviewed by said on September 29, 2018 Rating: 5

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